Agentura.Ru Studies and Research Centre / ASRC /
Agentura.Ru Studies and Research Centre / ASRC / is a Russian non-profit non-government organization providing research,
analysis and commentaries covering security and terrorism issues. Founded in 2005 Centre is a research department of Agentura.Ru project
( - internet-community of journalists who wrote about intelligence and security services. Centre experts are journalists,
former security and intelligence agents, lawyers, human rights activists.
Changes in Spy cases system
“Spy cases” are one of the signs of the Putin’s epoch. Seeing the examples of journalist Pasko’s case and diplomat Moiseev’s case, the FSB high ranking officers and foot soldiers realized quickly that such cases could be a great career promotion for them. As a result, the real system was created for organizing such cases. Today, however, priorities have been shifted from getting the new posts to sharing out the property.(07.05.2008, 22:10) 
Jamaat in two moves
23 people got behind the bars on the case of “Islamic jamaat” Investigating the murders of several couples making love in the wood, enforcement bodies of Tatarstan figured out a powerful Islamist militarized organization whose alleged goal was establishing of Islam caliphate and organization of terrorist acts along the entire Povolzhye region... Facing in this case the “Islam of cellars and garages” for the first time, the enforcement agencies did not understand what they dealt with.(15.02.2008, 23:40) 
The Mutation of the Russian Secret services
Today it is obvious to everyone that the Russian special services of the '90s and the current security agencies are very different from one another. Even if one does not follow how espionage matters are developing or how products of the system are occupying newer and newer posts in the government apparatus and big business one can't help but see this with a glance at the TV screen... Agentura.Ru research of reforms.(22.01.2008, 23:40) 
Imran Gaziev, deputy chief of the Representative Office of the unrecognized Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in Azerbaijan, was killed in Baku in November. Local Chechen community say Gaziev was not engaged in criminal activity or business. They also note that tens of Chechen activists have been killed and kidnapped in Azerbaijan. They point there must be Russian trace in all that.(22.11.2007, 23:47) 
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Centre forms the "Information Highway" based on results of research activity of our partners - Research centers.
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Imperial Intelligence in the Middle East
Martin Thomas is a British expert on Colonial History. His interests centre on the relationships between intelligence gathering, police power and the maintenance of imperial rule. Recently he has published a book "Empires of Intelligence. Security Services and Colonial Disorder after 1914". He's discussing with Andrei Soldatov how UK and France, the largest Empires of the early XX century, coped with mounting anticolonial nationalism in the Arab world.(14.11.2007, 23:42)

Yoram Schweitzer: on suicide terrorism.
Yoram Schweitzer is a researcher at the "Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies" (JCSS) at Tel Aviv University. He is renowned expert in suicide terrorism, he has been conducting conversations with failed suicide bombers and senders. In November 2005 he published the report “Al-Qaida & the Globalization of Suicide Terrorism”. Mr. Schweitzer was interviewed by Andrei Soldatov.(06.03.2006, 11:54)

"Mostly it’s been collection that gets shared".
Greg Treverton is a senior analyst at RAND Cooperation, where he formerly directed the International Security and Defense Policy Center and is currently associate dean of the RAND Graduate School. He comments the problem of global sharing of terrorism-related intelligence.(21.12.2005, 18:39)

"Intelligence-sharing networks face many challenges".
Sara Daly, an international policy analyst at RAND/ served five years as an intelligence analyst at CIA/CTC working on Middle Eastern and South Asian terrorism issues.
She comments terrorism-related intelligence sharing.(21.12.2005, 17:35)

"This system is very efficient".
Dr Neumann, director of the Centre for Defence Studies (King's College, London) comments terrorism-related intelligence sharing system among United Statas, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.(21.12.2005, 16:32)

"They exchange information on a daily basis".
Erich Schmidt Eenboom is a well-known journalist and a recognized secret service expert for Europe, North America and the middle east. Also he is head of research institute for peace policy. He makes comments to Irina Borogan / Agentura.Ru/ on very specific attitudes between the Russian and German secret services which have developed during Putin's presidential board.(12.05.2005, 15:25)

"Core Al Qaeda strength is under 500".
Rohan Gunaratna is a the world’s foremost expert on Islamist terrorism. He is author of best-seller “Inside Al Qaeda”. D-r Gunaranta is currently at the Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies /IDSS/ where he is Director of the International Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence. He comments last changes in Al Qaeda tactics and structure.(25.03.2005, 01:25)

Previous messages
Unraveling Chechen "Black Widows" by Nabi Abdullaev [28.08.2008, 18:38]
Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS): Greek Intelligence Service (NIS-EYP): Reforms and New Tasks in the last two decades (1986-2008) [07.05.2008, 22:08]
Conflict studies research centre /CSRC/ published report [02.11.2006, 00:13]
Conflict studies research centre /CSRC/ published report [06.08.2006, 16:08]
Testimony [06.05.2006, 13:26]
The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) published report [26.03.2006, 16:31]
The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) published report [16.03.2006, 00:08]
Conflict studies research centre /CSRC/ published report [15.03.2006, 00:31]
New newsletter SECRECY NEWS of FAS Project on Government Secrecy. [05.03.2006, 02:15]
Center for defense information /CDI/ published report [05.03.2006, 02:08]
European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) published the report [09.02.2006, 18:10]
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